"Caring ethos and staff" Parent questionnaire May 2021
Child Protection and Safeguarding
As a school we are strongly committed to safeguarding. All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to keep pupils safe and protect them from abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns. Our staff and Governors undergo regular safeguarding training to ensure that they can identify safeguarding issues and report them immediately. All our pupils have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity and we work effectively with outside agencies to ensure that this is the case.
The safeguarding culture of a school is, in part, exercised through the development of respectful, caring and professional relationships between adults and pupils and behaviour by the adult that demonstrates integrity, maturity and good judgement. The Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school will deal with any safeguarding concerns you have as a matter of urgency.
We work hard as a team to ensure our pupils are not subject to radicalisation and the ideals of extremist groups. We have a culture of vigilance around issues such as Child Sexual Exploitation and FGM. (Information around these key safeguarding issues, as well as related safeguarding policies can be found within the policies page.)
We follow existing guidance and advice on the Prevent duty, fundamental British values, and safeguarding, all of which provide advice and help head teachers uphold their obligations under the Prevent duty to protect our children from radicalisation.
Middleton Community Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection and safeguarding and has evaluated its procedures against the statutory requirements.
The designated safeguarding lead at our school is Mrs A Dugdale, Mr M Allen is deputy lead. The nominated Governor with responsibility for overseeing safeguarding procedures is Mags Griffiths.
Children are taught about keeping themselves safe as part of our PSHE curriculum. We also develop their understanding of how to keep themselves safe online through our Computing teaching and regular whole school assemblies.
Early Help Offer - We know that there are times when families need additional support and/or guidance, so at our school we have worked with our COGS (Cluster Of Gell Schools) to provide early help support, from our Family of Schools Worker - Zoe Stannard. This can be in the form of regular family contact and support or signposting to external agencies, that may be able to help.
The Think You Know website has lots of great resources to look at as a family and there is also lots of information on the ‘Online Safety’ page of our school website. Please take a look and discuss this issue at home with your children to help to develop their and your understanding further.
Further Documents and Information can be found here:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children
NSPCC PANTS: The Underwear Rule
Understanding Private Fostering
We all have a duty to safeguard children. If you have any concerns regarding a child and need further help or to make a referral (which can be anonymous), please contact:
Starting Point: 01629 533190 or email:
More details can be found on the Derbyshire County Council website or please come into school and speak with Mrs Dugdale or Mr Allen (Designated Safeguarding Leads).
Help for Domestic Abuse
Please click on the links below - these are organisations who offer help and support for domestic abuse, for both adults and children.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
The National Centre for Domestic Violence was established in 2003 to help survivors of domestic violence and abuse obtain protection against an abuser, as well as offering services to the police, probation service, domestic abuse agency workers, the legal profession and judiciary.
They specialise in providing free, fast and effective support to survivors of domestic abuse, by helping individuals obtain injunctions from their local county court. This free service is provided to everybody, regardless of their financial circumstances, sexual orientation, race, gender, age, political, religious belief or otherwise.
The Elm Foundation provides domestic abuse support services across the community irrespective of a person's age, sex, ethnicitiy, disability, gender identity or immigration status. They cover Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire, Bolsover and parts of Amber Valley. Popel from outside these areas can accessour refue accommodation, the Derbyshire DA Helpline, our training and corporate services.
Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline
Children, young people and families who are affected by domestic abuse or violence can get support, including refuge accommodation by contacting the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse helpline. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and is a single point of contact to get the help you need.
"Caring ethos and staff" Parent questionnaire May 2021
Child Protection and Safeguarding
As a school we are strongly committed to safeguarding. All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to keep pupils safe and protect them from abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns. Our staff and Governors undergo regular safeguarding training to ensure that they can identify safeguarding issues and report them immediately. All our pupils have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity and we work effectively with outside agencies to ensure that this is the case.
The safeguarding culture of a school is, in part, exercised through the development of respectful, caring and professional relationships between adults and pupils and behaviour by the adult that demonstrates integrity, maturity and good judgement. The Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school will deal with any safeguarding concerns you have as a matter of urgency.
We work hard as a team to ensure our pupils are not subject to radicalisation and the ideals of extremist groups. We have a culture of vigilance around issues such as Child Sexual Exploitation and FGM. (Information around these key safeguarding issues, as well as related safeguarding policies can be found within the policies page.)
We follow existing guidance and advice on the Prevent duty, fundamental British values, and safeguarding, all of which provide advice and help head teachers uphold their obligations under the Prevent duty to protect our children from radicalisation.
Middleton Community Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection and safeguarding and has evaluated its procedures against the statutory requirements.
The designated safeguarding lead at our school is Mrs A Dugdale, Mr M Allen is deputy lead. The nominated Governor with responsibility for overseeing safeguarding procedures is Mags Griffiths.
Children are taught about keeping themselves safe as part of our PSHE curriculum. We also develop their understanding of how to keep themselves safe online through our Computing teaching and regular whole school assemblies.
Early Help Offer - We know that there are times when families need additional support and/or guidance, so at our school we have worked with our COGS (Cluster Of Gell Schools) to provide early help support, from our Family of Schools Worker - Zoe Stannard. This can be in the form of regular family contact and support or signposting to external agencies, that may be able to help.
The Think You Know website has lots of great resources to look at as a family and there is also lots of information on the ‘Online Safety’ page of our school website. Please take a look and discuss this issue at home with your children to help to develop their and your understanding further.
Further Documents and Information can be found here:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children
NSPCC PANTS: The Underwear Rule
Understanding Private Fostering
We all have a duty to safeguard children. If you have any concerns regarding a child and need further help or to make a referral (which can be anonymous), please contact:
Starting Point: 01629 533190 or email:
More details can be found on the Derbyshire County Council website or please come into school and speak with Mrs Dugdale or Mr Allen (Designated Safeguarding Leads).
Help for Domestic Abuse
Please click on the links below - these are organisations who offer help and support for domestic abuse, for both adults and children.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
The National Centre for Domestic Violence was established in 2003 to help survivors of domestic violence and abuse obtain protection against an abuser, as well as offering services to the police, probation service, domestic abuse agency workers, the legal profession and judiciary.
They specialise in providing free, fast and effective support to survivors of domestic abuse, by helping individuals obtain injunctions from their local county court. This free service is provided to everybody, regardless of their financial circumstances, sexual orientation, race, gender, age, political, religious belief or otherwise.
The Elm Foundation provides domestic abuse support services across the community irrespective of a person's age, sex, ethnicitiy, disability, gender identity or immigration status. They cover Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire, Bolsover and parts of Amber Valley. Popel from outside these areas can accessour refue accommodation, the Derbyshire DA Helpline, our training and corporate services.
Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline
Children, young people and families who are affected by domestic abuse or violence can get support, including refuge accommodation by contacting the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse helpline. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and is a single point of contact to get the help you need.