Puffins Class
"We are new to the school, however, I feel the staff are very caring and supportive. The staff know the children extremely well and are supportive and welcoming. We are so so happy we chose this school for our child. We feel it is the best school in our area." Parent questionnaire May 2021
Before you decide where your child will go to school we feel it is important to arrange a visit. We very much welcome you into our school, so to arrange a visit please either telephone 01629 822236 or email We are still able to provide limited visits during the current covid situation, so please get in touch to arrange.
All new families are welcome to come and visit us before making any decision. For children in the Reception year a letter will be sent in the term preceding the appropriate admission date inviting parents and children to visit on a number of occasions before they start. Visits are held during the Summer Term for the parents/carers and children due to start next academic year and is part of the school’s induction process. This provides an opportunity to give appropriate information, check individual child’s details and for parents to ask questions if they wish. We hold a new parents meeting in May each year.
All reception children are offered a full time place at Middleton Community Primary School from September. However, children can join later than these times, after discussion with parent and the Headteacher.
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 they will be eligible to start school in September 2024. You should apply for their infant or primary school place by 15 January 2024. You will be able to make your application from 9am on 6 November 2023. Please follow this link to apply for a school place.
Derbyshire County Council will send your school place offer and if you're unhappy with the decision you can make an appeal. You can do this online and more information can be found on the primary appeals web page.
Ready for School in Derbyshire
The Derbyshire Early Years Strategic group recently commissioned a survey focusing on 'School Readiness'. They sought views from both parents and early years professionals. Results were analysed and clear priorities emerged. These were called the '10 keys to unlocking school readiness'.
- I can settle happily without my parent/carer.
- I can talk to friends and grown-ups about what I need.
- I can take turns and share when I am playing.
- I can go to the toilet and wash my hands.
- I can put on my own coat and shoes and feed myself.
- I can tell a grown up if I am happy, sad or cross.
- I am curious and want to learn and play.
- I can stop what I am doing, listen and follow simple instructions.
- I enjoy sharing books with grown-ups and talk about them.
Whilst this list is not exhaustive, and children develop different skills at different times, we hope it identifies how you can help your child be ready for starting school.
Childcare Choices
The new Childcare Choices website provides information on the new and existing Government childcare offers
In Year Admissions
The school has a maximum admissions number of 12 for each school year. The school will follow the Local Authority policy in determining admissions criteria. Priority will be given to children living full-time in a property which is the child’s only or main residence in Middleton and then to those who have brothers or sisters already in the school. Any parent whose child is refused a school place for which they have applied has the right to an independent appeal.
The Local Authority is required to co-ordinate admissions to all Derbyshire Primary, Infant and Junior Schools. Essentially the Authority acts as a ‘clearing house’ for all admissions and enables parents to express a preference for one, two or three schools and to place those preferences in rank order. Parents must make their application on a common application form, to be returned direct to the LA, and give reasons for their preferred schools.
Common application forms will be available from Derbyshire County Council or you can apply by telephone. You can also apply online
Further information about the co-ordinated admissions scheme is available in the Authority’s Parents’ Information Booklet – ‘An Essential Guide to Primary Education’.
Secondary Admissions
The window for applying for a secondary school place is open from 11th September and must be sent by the 31st October. If you require any further assistance, please pop into the school Office where we will be happy to help.
For further information can be found on the County Council website