
Year 2

Mrs Gooding, Mrs Moffat, 

Mrs Mason (TA)

 Value:  "We value our work, our learning"   

Kingfishers Class Assembly

What have we been doing in Kingfishers Class?


Welcome to Kingfishers class! We’ve got lots of exciting activities and learning planned for the children this year, alongside a range of opportunities from visitors into and visits out of school, that will further enrich the children’s learning and understanding.


Our class assembly, which you are all invited to, will take place on Friday 20th October 2023 at 9am and we will be showcasing some of our initial learning, linked to our ‘Tales with a Twist’ theme. We have been exploring the Traditional Tale of Little Red Riding Hood and using this text as a basis to create our own ‘Tale with a Twist’, whilst reading and listening to a range of other traditional tales and ‘twisted 

tales’, including The Three Little Wolves and the Big, Bad Pig’ by Eugine Trivizas.


Here are just a few pictures from our first few weeks, including role play in the woodland, Forest school, PE, practical maths linked to place value and watercolour pictures in art, to give you a flavour of what we’ve been up to so far… lots more exiting experiences to follow throughout the year. We will try to update you once a week through the class dojo app to keep you in the loop. Any questions, do catch us in the playground or contact the office and we’ll call you back. Thanks, as always, for your support. 

Year 2 KS1 SATs revision

Please click on the links below for booklets to help with SATs revision

Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary






"Lovely friendly supportive staff. Child centred in approach to learning. Work load never seems to overwhelming, fingers crossed this doesn't change!

I know year 2 is mega. Good sense of community."  Parent questionnaire May 2021 
